Learning and
Booking Methods

Available Online Courses

Online learning is divided into two parts


Interactive attendance on the international Zoom platform for NLASS. The beginning of the interactive system is 7 days after booking and in coordination through your email. The details of each course are according to your choice and you can view them in the profile.


The second system is the system of sending the training bag via email via Google Drive or through the official website. The system of sending the training bag begins 48 hours after confirming the reservation, as the lectures are sent in full in one hour.

Booking and payment methods: Course fees are deposited through our payment platforms, Western Union, or a bank account.

In order to be a Member of the Nlass.UK Academy

 you must adhere to the ten rules for success as a sports coach

You must introduce yourself.

Respect time and adhere to the timing of the exercise

Good knowledge of the scientific material

Diversity in the use of mathematical methods (explanation and teaching – collective work within a team – open discussions and dialogues – brainstorming)

Body language is a criterion for a successful coach

Tone of voice. Calculate the importance of theinformation

Motivation for the trainees Eighth: The ability to manage the sports hall


Sense of humor

 Patience and patience.



